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Hot Topics | August 28th


Black chefs have powerful stories and amazing recipes. Happy to see the publishing industry become more accepting, though the experience is not equal and there are still struggles.

A great example of tasteful gentrification! Really excited for this to open up in my hometown.


I’m a big Elena Ferrante fan (author of the Neapolitan novels/My Brilliant Friend series), so I loved this read.

Over the past month I’ve (to my surprise) gotten really into this show. If you’ve watched, please come talk to me about the characters and the ridiculous “plotlines”.  


As the pandemic continues offices around the world empty, the writer interestingly asks: what was the point of them anyway?

Had a lot of different feelings reading the various Op-Ed’s posted this week, arguing if “New York is Dead” or not. I felt somewhat guilty, because as much as I consider myself a true, ride or die New Yorker, I did leave (haven’t gone too far, but I’m not in the city). While on some points I agree with Jerry Seinfeld, there is so much devastation that restaurants, comedy clubs and other small businesses that make New York, New York, may not recover – or at least not in the near future. However, I’m hopeful they do – because I miss it so much!!

I also watched this IGTV post this morning by Danielle Prescod. It reminded me that as much as I want to “get back to normal,” we simply cannot just ignore two major crisis still happening in our country. I want to make a cognizant effort to not just go about my daily life anymore without creating some sort of change – whether it’s a donation, a social post, a conversation… something!

An interesting look at the complicated and white-washed history of women suffrage. The original movement excluded women of color and is another example of white women “getting theirs”, only to leave black women in the dust who had to fight for their right until 1965.

Think this is interesting how powerful stories are told by artist Sonia Gomes through the use of fabrics and art.


Condé Nast has appointed Dawn Davis as the new editor in chief for Bon Appetit after a summer of controversy. Her appointment takes effect Nov. 2.